A Projectile to the Basic Orbit of Plastic Arts

- Kim Yeong Jae -

Chung Kyoungyeon is an artist of a positive drive. Even explosive spray may go well with him rather than driving force. Interview with the artist sounds like a excited commentary of a reporter at the site to project the artificial satellite, Naro. Objets and works at corners as well as unfolded thread on the table hint strong scaffold for the projection or concentrated energy of a projectile.

A Projectile to the Art Satellite

Like Naro, which requires tremendous projectile to get a small scientific and technical satellite into orbit, art as a result, and force and work for artistic accomplishments progress almost unintentionally. Works also do not insist a certain form. A strong motivation in the middle of work used to interfere it up to decades. Huge work used to be divided and sold. However, her image has been fixed as a mono-chrome glove artist. We cannot but study it.

Chung Kyoungyeon's story looks like the information pouring out with no filtering, no re-translation, or no logic process. It looks like temporarily stored information loosing away like falling ice cubes on the surface of the rocket at the time of which liquid fuel and oxidizer burn; there is religion in the middle of it.

While religion trained and supported her, it did not act as a material or objet of a work. Religion is a pantheistic polytheism, and the science of religion is non-religion. That is why her religion-related episode or scripture has become a touchstone for her works. Chung Kyoungyeon's magnetic volubility pours out in Buddhism and its ascetic exercises, Bible study, experience of her professor, priest's sermon, and interesting witticism at temple lectures.

Randomly coming illogic episode or experience is mostly irrelevant with her world of art, but it contrasts with her passion, strictness, dense logic, and solid plot of the works, allowing the listeners marvel and wonder.

Two Misconceptions about Art

Chung Kyoungyeon is known as ‘Glove Artist.’ That was the first misunderstanding. With the story what she thanked the marrow bones for the glove her mother sent when she was studying abroad, and brainwashed people handling the glove as if it were 'telling about the stick hit a doe.' It would be an example of standardization made by episode, impression, and repetitive indoctrination.

That glove has gone through translation and re-translation for a long time. On the common ground of many gloves, a lot of time and space are added. She used to intentionally open an overlocked glove-neck, put in cotton wool, dye in black on tip of the glove, or express it in stair style, to form a basic structure and add color.

Mood of life also amplified the meaning of the glove. They agreed with her sayings which might be a detonator - she said it meant people's lives; emperor, the homeless and a leper are the same in gloves; and she tried to find out meanings from a laborer's or a street cleaner's. There has been a trial to give it a meaning.

The tip of the glove was bended at the time of 88 Olympic games, recognizing foreigners. Lori Anderson added electronically transformed narration saying 'raising hand means say hello and say good bye at the same time,' at the performance named 'Americans on the move.' Chung Kyoungyeon embodied those greetings with a globe. Globe was such a limitlessly deductive subject, objet, and aesthetics.

However, the beauty of the globe artist Chung Kyoungyeon was more on fundamental assignment named dot, line, and side than on object-aesthetics, collective art, or plastic art. We see dots with narrow eyes, and line with one eye closed. Then that has tied Chung Kyoungyeon's works to Kandinsky's 'Punkt und Linie ze Flche,' which was enough to be dealt in painting rather than in textile or applied fine arts, and is required for the basic figurative words.

Another misunderstanding about Chung Kyoungyeon is that he has been known as mono-chrome artist. Attached or unattached globes off the canvas following a certain order express joy, sorrow, and other mood in life in minimal colors. In 1970s, the mainstream of Chung Kyoungyeon's works were Korean-type mono-chrome or simple white-line colors. Since then, monochrome has contributed to deepening the aesthetics of globe and to active works of her as well.

However, Chung Kyoungyeon's works are oriented to total art such as pictorial elements, ceramic ware, terra-cotta or bronze, while she majors textile art. However whitish colors-reminding monochrome gave a strong impression, which may be because monochrome distinguishes the character and nature of globe while colorful works soften them. I suppose that it is because the image of globe artist has become solid.

A theme to remove such misunderstanding was black hole. Black hole did not succeed in the globe but replaced it. It was so totally different that people did not talk about the globe as she talked about black hole. However, the globe also appears in this symbolic and iconic image, black hole.

However, Chung Kyoungyeon is seized with the impulsion to recycle the spirit of the globe since everyone was overwhelmed by tremendous absorption force and whirlwind of black hole and forgotten about it. She believes that she can control and give away the force of black hole, because she is able to read and see the wavelength. Eventually, all the mood of life, aesthetics of globe, and the world of subjects and objects that the globe artist Chung Kyoungyeon granted to globe, has been succeeded in black hole as it is.

Art Orbit

Chung Kyoungyeon's art would be 1-ton technological and scientific satellite, when we compare it with the artificial satellite Naro. Satellite has concentrated technologies such as solar cell, detector, and solar-sensor plasma thrust to trace nebula and measure weather and distance. It would be compared with Chung Kyoungyeon's world of art where aesthetics, work, and presentation are concentrated. A 140-ton projectile and surroundings play the role to let the world of art on the orbit.

Given that recognition from the painting circles and interest from media are single-deck rocket, the double-deck rocket may be mood in life, religion experiences, and the motivation for artistic accomplishments. Daily life, occupation, and environment would be ice cubes that are shattering off away at the moment of projection.

Chung Kyoungyeon may be able to settle on the orbit as an artist of this age, since she has postponed and thrown away every other things to get her art on the satellite orbit called art world, and to keep the most precious things.

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